Athazagora is a phobia that means the fear of being forgotten, forgetting or being ignored. Although virtually unknown, Athazagora is a common phobia that affects millions around the world.
Athazagora can develop in Alzheimer patients who have a fear of forgetting. However, Althazagora can also occur in people who have a fear of being forgotten by loved ones who suffer from Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Athazagoraphobia can also be related to or caused by a childhood trauma that occurred if the individual was left alone or was ignored for a long period of time.
Then there are lesser forms of Athazagora, where one has a fear of feeling insignificant by family, friends, or even their social media followers. This version of Athazagora may result to desperate attempts to leave an impression on a person in order to ensure that the individual or moment is remembered forever.
Do you suffer from Athazagora?
Have you ever said to yourself, “I don’t care what people think of me”? But found yourself checking every five minutes to see how many likes or views you received from a picture or video you posted online? This may not necessarily constitute as Athazagora but the behavior can definitely cause mental anguish.
Below are real messages from people who suffers from Athazagora phobia.
I’m not necessarily scared of forgetting…, I’m more scared for my legacy. I have always had this fear that in the future, no one would remember me, that all of my major milestones wouldn’t matter at all in the near future. I fear for my family line, I fear oblivion, I fear for my friends, and yet, I still function. I try to make my mark but being forgotten is inevitable. Sometimes it’s easier to impact a few greatly, than the whole world lightly.
– Robert [From the comments section of www.fearof.net]
Hi there!
I’m inquiring about your post for “Athazagora” the movie. Although I know that the lead role was intended for an African American female, when I saw the listing I felt a need to respond. Most have never heard of this phobia, however, I have suffered from this condition all of my life. So much so, that I have “Athazagora” tattooed on my arm…
- Jennifer [response from IMDB casting call]